- Jun 29, 2018
Living La Vietnam Loca
Note the following disclaimer: I will not….and I repeat WILL NOT be speaking of any regulations in this blog that either start with GD...
- Jun 14, 2018
Game On! Let the games begin! It is the time that we have all been waiting for. Nooooooo….not the World Cup (editors note – it starts...
- May 24, 2018
Orbitz: Protecting Data: Not Like That
I have a great joke for you...stop me if you have heard it before: A guy walks into a bar…he tells his friend, I have a legacy data...
- May 23, 2018
Quantum Computing - Futuristic Fantasy or Reality?
Quantum Computers Already? Quantum computing… sounds like it belongs in a sci-fi movie set maybe 50 to 100 years into the future, but in...
- Apr 19, 2018
Facebook & Cambridge Analytica: Why we should care!
While Facebook, Cambridge Analytica and Dr. Aleksandr Kogan, the individual responsible for building the apps which shared the personal...
- Feb 23, 2018
The GDPR Nightmare
What might a customer request? Under Article 15 of the GDPR, a data subject is entitled to make a request for access to their own...