View from Peter Lancos, CEO
"Welcome to eXate's Global Data Diaries. This week we will focus on the importance of the involvement of the senior management on security and ways to get the board on board."
Almost all organisations recognise security concerns and are making fastidious efforts to mitigate them. However, companies face a lot of revenue leakages such as maintenance of assets, reimbursements, fines due to lack of compliance to regulations etc. Due to this, it is often challenging to convince the senior management that security and privacy are indeed serious issues that need attention, even if they do not create any revenue and/or business value.
It is important for every organisation to have a set of preventive and reactive measures in order to stay prepared in the event of a cyber-attack. Top-down leadership is essential for creating a fool-proof cyber-resilient culture, but the board’s inaction is a key reason why many organisations fall short of good security measured and tools. There is also the issue of “whose real problem is security?”. More often than not, there is a lot of finger-pointing between the tech team and the management when it comes to taking responsibility for cyber security. In reality, it is everybody’s problem.
A few ways for getting the management on board with cybersecurity includes:
Everyone in the organisation takes responsibility of their data and their clients’ data.
All employees, including the senior management, are trained and oriented with cyber risks.
Organisations track security-related Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Key Risk Indicators (KRIs).
Measure, track, analyse and visualise the KPIs and KRIs.
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How to frame meaningful security conversations with the corporate board
As companies revamp their technology infrastructure to leverage cloud efficiencies and enable a remote workforce, cybersecurity is now mission-critical for senior executives and boards of directors. Ransomware, data theft, and other attacks are affecting an unprecedented number of businesses, and corporate boards are turning to their CISOs for assurances that their evolving infrastructure is adequately protected.
7 Pressing Cybersecurity Questions Boards Need to Ask
For every new technology that cybersecurity professionals invent, it’s only a matter of time until malicious actors find a way around it. We need new leadership approaches as we move into the next phase of securing our organizations. For Boards of Directors (BODs), this requires developing new ways to carry out their fiduciary responsibility to shareholders, and oversight responsibility for managing business risk.
Cybersecurity – a responsibility of top management
Cyberthreats are an increasing phenomenon in today’s digitalized and connected operating environment. The same technologies that have enabled business transformation also enable or create cybercrime. Cyberattacks or breaches can, in the worst case, be devastating to a company. That is why cybersecurity should have high priority on the agendas of top management and boards.